I loved this movie. I don't think I had ever seen it before this year, which is surprising, given my affinity for movies from the 1980's, and having grown up on said movies!
A shame I hadn't seen it before, or at least, don't remember having seen it before. Well written, directed, and acted, this movie is a classic. "I gave her my heart and she gave me a pen".
I love it.
Say Anything

Running with Scissors

I really liked this movie. It is completely bizarre in a really enjoyable way. Annette Bening does an excellent job in her role, as do the other actors...but she stands out just a bit more than the others.
A movie you can laugh at, but which also has its sadder, more serious moments, this is a good film.
A movie you can laugh at, but which also has its sadder, more serious moments, this is a good film.

Running with Scissors

I really liked this movie. It is completely bizarre in a really enjoyable way. Annette Bening does an excellent job in her role, as do the other actors...but she stands out just a bit more than the others.
A movie you can laugh at, but which also has its sadder, more serious moments, this is a good film.
A movie you can laugh at, but which also has its sadder, more serious moments, this is a good film.


Full of action, stuff blowing up, lots of shooting, Shooter is a decent movie, with decent acting, a decent story, and is watchable (unlike some other action movies). Mark Wahlberg does a good job in this movie. Danny Glover - why do they keep dragging him out? His role could have been played by anyone, and probably much better.


I read the book this movie is based on, and I absolutely loved the book. The movie, however, is something of a disappointment compared to the book.
It looks like a bad TV movie, isn't as riveting as the book was, but overall, it is good enough for what it is. Definitely read the book over seeing the movie.
It looks like a bad TV movie, isn't as riveting as the book was, but overall, it is good enough for what it is. Definitely read the book over seeing the movie.

Blades of Glory

Oh...my...god....this was one of the funniest comedies I have seen in a long time. Believability aside (and of course, you have to suspend belief for a movie like this), the movie was well written, well cast, and very well acted.
Some things were completely predictable, but who cares? It was entertaining from start to finish, with one of the most hilarious chase scenes I have ever seen. We were all laughing our asses off watching this movie, and I cannot wait to see it again.
Some things were completely predictable, but who cares? It was entertaining from start to finish, with one of the most hilarious chase scenes I have ever seen. We were all laughing our asses off watching this movie, and I cannot wait to see it again.

Breaking and Entering

While watchable, it's definitely not too believable. Entertaining, sure, but only if you ignore some flaws in the mushy and silly story.

The Last King of Scotland

I just recently saw a preview for this movie, and I knew I had to see it. Now that I have, I definitely wasn't disappointed. This was a well-told story that keeps you hooked from start to finish.
I really enjoyed this movie, despite some brutal scenes, which were not overly drawn out. Well written, excellently acted.
I really enjoyed this movie, despite some brutal scenes, which were not overly drawn out. Well written, excellently acted.

The Last King of Scotland

I just recently saw a preview for this movie, and I knew I had to see it. Now that I have, I definitely wasn't disappointed. This was a well-told story that keeps you hooked from start to finish.
I really enjoyed this movie, despite some brutal scenes, which were not overly drawn out. Well written, excellently acted.
I really enjoyed this movie, despite some brutal scenes, which were not overly drawn out. Well written, excellently acted.

Andre the Butcher

Terrible movie. Really, really terrible. Bad acting, script, effects. I had no idea what I was getting when I picked this movie up, because I didn't bother to read the back of the box - I now wish I had.
This is one of the worst things I have ever seen. Amusing at times, yes, but barely, and definitely not even worth watching. Ever.
This is one of the worst things I have ever seen. Amusing at times, yes, but barely, and definitely not even worth watching. Ever.